Swapcode.Episerver.Logging.NLog 1.0.1
Replaces Episerver default log4net (https://logging.apache.org/log4net/) logging framework with NLog (http://nlog-project.org/). This package uses the Episerver supported way of replacing the logging framework described in https://world.episerver.com/documentation/developer-guides/CMS/logging/ (see the topic Implementing the API and the LoggerFactory assembly attribute).
No packages depend on Swapcode.Episerver.Logging.NLog.
NLog package upper dependecy version increased to <4.6.
.NET Framework 4.6.1
- EPiServer.Framework (>= 11.1.0 && < 12.0.0)
- NLog (>= 4.4.12 && < 4.6.0)
- NLog.Web (>= 4.5.1 && < 4.6.0)