Screen9.Episerver.Video.plugin 4.1.5
Screen9's Video plugin for Episerver enables publishing of live and on-demand video seamlessly inside Episerver. The plugin requires a Screen9 account to work. The component has been verified with Episerver CMS 11.14.1, EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce ver. 2.x and EPiServer.Commerce 13.18.1
No packages depend on Screen9.Episerver.Video.plugin.
New plugin that uses REST API to integrate with Screen9 Online Video Platform and presents videos in the Screen9 Video Asset Pane
Any 0.0
- EPiServer.CMS (>= 11.5.2 && < 12.0.0)
- EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce (>= 2.0.0 && < 3.0.0)