Gulla.Episerver.AutomaticImageDescription.ScheduledJob 1.0.6
A scheculed job that will update all existing images. Will use Azure Cognitive Services Vision API to analyze images uploaded to Episerver, and populate properties with data describing the images.
No packages depend on Gulla.Episerver.AutomaticImageDescription.ScheduledJob.
Validate image dimensions, filesize and file extension before sending image to azure cognitive services. Now also for images stored in Azure.
Any 0.0
- Gulla.Episerver.AutomaticImageDescription (>= 1.0.6 && < 2.0.0)
- EPiServer.Framework (>= 11.1.0 && < 12.0.0)
- EPiServer.CMS.Core (>= 11.1.0 && < 12.0.0)
- Castle.Core (>= 4.2.1)
- System.Security.Cryptography.Xml (>= 4.4.2)