CookieDropBlock 11.0.6

CookieDropBlock for Episerver allows edits to drop cookies on a page by inserting a block into a content area

No packages depend on CookieDropBlock.

v11.0.6 Fixes a bug where the expiry date has passed, now defaults to current date plus 10 years

Any 0.0

Version Downloads Last updated
11.0.6 7,688 04/01/2021
11.0.0 41,299 12/07/2017
1.0.5 177 05/08/2017
1.0.4 100 12/14/2015
1.0.3 77 12/14/2015
1.0.1 73 09/23/2015
1.0.0 62 09/23/2015