Episerver.GoogleMapsEditor 1.0.13

Editor for specifying latitude and longitude coordinates for Episerver content properties using an interactive map.

No packages depend on Episerver.GoogleMapsEditor.

Packaged as add-on. Added interface ICoordinates for complex property types that should be edited with the map editor.

Any 0.0

Version Downloads Last updated
1.0.13 4,215 03/14/2022
1.0.12 3,848 03/14/2022
1.0.11 8,908 03/14/2022
1.0.10 4,067 03/14/2022
1.0.9 2,155 03/14/2022
1.0.8 214 03/14/2022
1.0.6 2,510 02/08/2016
1.0.5 557 05/28/2015
1.0.4 89 12/11/2014
1.0.3 200 12/11/2014