BVN.404Handler by: BV Network AS and Geta
  • 497,434 total downloads
  • Latest version: 11.3.0
This library contains a custom 404 handler for your EPiServer project. It will replace the default 404 handler with one that you can change, in order for it to have a more consistent look with the rest of your site. It will also handle more 404 cases than the built-in handler. It also includes a Custom Redirect Gadget (for EPiServer Online Center) for editors to add redirects. The 404 handler logs all 404 errors and present them in a list in the gadget, which will allow editors to easily add redirects based on the logged errors.
Geta.404Handler by: BV Network AS and Geta
  • 131,542 total downloads
  • Latest version: 1.0.0
  • 404 NotFound 404Error Handler Geta Redirect
This library contains a custom 404 handler for your EPiServer project. It will replace the default 404 handler with one that you can change, in order for it to have a more consistent look with the rest of your site. It will also handle more 404 cases than the built-in handler. It also includes a Custom Redirect Gadget (for EPiServer Online Center) for editors to add redirects. The 404 handler logs all 404 errors and present them in a list in the gadget, which will allow editors to easily add redirects based on the logged errors.